I've always had a blog. However, I ended my last one abruptly upon my engagement to be married. I can safely say that (for the most part) whatever memories were lingering around in those posts, I no longer wish to recall. I wanted to erase all of it and begin anew. A new life. A new blog. So here I am.
In 4 days I will have been married for 3 months. Yep, I'm a "newlywed". I am newly wed. ha ha ha. I know, I know, that was a bad joke. I'll get better, I promise. I am also a mom. I have 2 of my very own offspring, one is 4 and one is 9. Both girls. Lots of drama.
I pointed out to my new husband (
Jason) last night that our "family" is dysfunctional. He tortures my daughters with his antics to try and make them giggle, but it rarely ever works. His sense of humor is rough; somewhat hard to "get". But it makes me laugh, and I think that's the important thing. I told him how I hope he never runs out of material, even by the time we are old, because the fact that he can crack me up is one of the top reasons I love him. I won't get gushy, I'll stop there.
We are like a regular family in many ways. But with lots of
tattoos. Jason more-so than the rest of us. Many more to come, I'm sure. And my daughters have caught the
tattoo fever, so for them we just use Sharpies (pictures to come soon!) This is because he is a
tattoo artist. An "
ink slinger". I know he hates that term, but since it amuses me, I think I'll keep using it.
My job is not as exciting, but it's still pretty awesome. I write Google ads for other people's businesses and websites. You know the ones that end up on the top of your search page whenever you type in what you're looking for? Yeah, those. To me, writing the ads is sort of like writing Haiku. In Haiku, you get 3 lines. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. In Google, you also get 3 lines. But then you get 25 characters, 35 characters, 35 characters. Not rocket science, but it pays some of the bills.
So, that's my introduction. Stay tuned for more details...