We are just going to wait for the phone call after they open it! Now, with my parents, it's a different story altogether. They are NOT going to be happy for me. Forget the fact that I am happily married and just doing great at my job, and that I'm in a terrific place right now. When I told my mother I was even thinking of having another baby, the first words out of her mouth were: "I'm not saying your marriage isn't going to work out, but do you really want to be stuck with THREE kids?" Really, she couldn't have said anything worse. It was like a punch in the gut, because we were already trying to get pregnant. Plus, I had just recently had a miscarraige in June, so I couldn't believe she said that to me.
So, it's been awhile since that conversation - a few months. I'm supposed to see my parents on Dec. 28th and I was going to tell them then. UNTIL...my sister told me that she talked to our mother two days ago and she was ranting and raving about all the "bad things" I do. I'm guessing she's talking about getting tattooed and not going to church. That's all she has against me. And as their conversation continued, she tells my sister very angrily, "I hope she doesn't go and do something stupid like get pregnant when she doesn't even know if her marriage isn't going to last!"
See the thing is, no one knows if their marriage is going to last. Anything can happen at any time. But with Jason, I absolutely trust him with my life. He has his faults, but I am okay with what they are. I know he loves me, and I never have to question that. This is NOTHING like my first (and very unhappy) marriage. We are very close and connected, and both of us want this child very much. So, next week when I go visit my parents, I have decided NOT to tell them.
This is really shitty because it means I have to hide news from my daughters. They can't keep a secret - and they are going to be staying with my parents for the winter break from school. If they are with my parents for 10 days, there's no way one of them wouldn't slip up and say something. So, um...for now...we are hiding the baby news.